How to Self Check For Breast Cancer
Routine health check ups are recommended to everybody. Where health is a matter of concern for most of the people around the globe, women need to be aware that breast cancer can pose a real threat to their health. Any woman with a fully formed breast can get into the grasp of the disease. Researches have proven that 1 in 8 women throughout the U.S. will be diagnosed with the disease and women between the age of 40-50 years are more prone to the disease. Many people have a misconception in their minds that the disease is prevalent only in the western countries, but the fact is that the disease knows no boundaries and can exist in any woman around the world, irrespective of her age, race and religion.
The early detection of the symptoms of breast cancer can save a life of a woman. Every woman must know that self examination of the breast can help them in the early detection of the disease. There are two main points that are important to know in a self breast check. The two very important points are
- The appearance of the breast
- How the breast feels
These two are very important factors that are known as breast familiarity. The first important point in the process of self examination of the breast is:
1. Stand before a mirror and place your hands on your hips. Look at your breasts closely and note that your breast is free from redness, swelling or puckering of the skin. There should not be any deformity in the breasts and must look like usual in shape, size and color.
2. Nipples of the breast should not be inverted, twisted or turned in.
3. Squeeze the nipples and see to it if there is any discharge of the blood or any other kind of fluid. This can be a sign of caution.
4. After checking flatly, raise your hands up and check for the above changes.
5. Also check for the thickening in the breasts or any lumps.
After the self examination for the appearance of the breast, check for the feel of the breast. To check for the feel check follow for either clock technique, wedge technique and sweeping technique. The clock pattern is initiated by the movement of the fingers around the nipples in a clockwise pattern. In a wedge technique divide the breasts in a wedge slice and check if there is some pain. In a sweeping pattern finger are moved up and down in a vertical direction.
By applying these methods breast examination can be done at home but, consulting a physician for a normal breast check routine is the best way to stay safe.