Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a fatal disease and people who think that the disease is an outcome of genetic influence, they are on a wrong track. Breast cancer is a common disease that women are often prone too, and every woman must stress on breast self examination to keep herself safe from getting into the clutches of the disease.
The symptoms of breast cancer can help many women to get a disease diagnosed at a very early stage and protect herself from getting into the advanced stage of a disease, where a woman may have to lose a cancerous breast forever. The article highlights on the symptoms of the breast cancer, that can be of a great help for several women around the globe to understand about the outbreak of the disease and get immediate treatment for it.
The possible symptoms of breast cancer are:
- Though lumps are lobules are not not always the possible symptoms of breast cancer, but still if any lump in the breast or underarm persists after your monthly menstrual cycle, it can be alarming. Lumps associated with breast cancer are generally painless and if you have a notion in mind that a cancerous lump has to be painful, you are endangering your life. Though a painful lump can be alarming too. A mammogram can help to locate a cancerous lump.
- Pain in breast
- Swelling in any of the armpit
- Changes in color, texture, size, contour or temperature of the breast
- Change in the color and shape of the nipples. Any itching or dimpling in the breast or a burning sensation or ulceration can be really fatal.
- A bloody discharge or any other sort of fluid discharge can be cancerous.
- The color of the skin if gets changed to orange color can be a warning sign of advanced breast cancer.
- Any area of either of the breast is distinctly different from any other breast is a possible sign of breast cancer
The above symptoms can help a woman to find out, if she has any possible symptoms that are nearing her to a disease. Every woman should take care of this very important part of her body. This is not only the signature of her feminity but also enhance her feminine beauty. Breast cancer can be a reason for many women to lose this important feminine part of her body forever.